Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Delights

Yes, I know its been awhile since I last posted  - how can it now be the END of April?!? I thought we were just starting it! Anyways, here are a few pics of what's been happening around here... enjoy! 
Easter Happiness... Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt's house. 

Our little guy turned 10 months old on April 21!
Visiting Grandparents in Castle Pines
Celebrating Bryan's mom's marriage to Nick
More bath fun...
standing up on stuff...
...and walks to the park.
There - hope that is enough pics to make up for my April absence! ;)


  1. I love your picture-filled post! So happy and full of special occasions. Congratulations to Bryan's mom - how exciting! This month {year?!} seems to be flying by me as well. Have a lovely day with your little man! :-)

  2. what sweet pics, Joelle! Just LOVE all of them! Eric grows more and more cute with each posting you do! :-)
